At Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center we know that the personal touch is important for your health and fitness journey. Our certified personal trainers specialize in designing fitness programs customized to your needs. Whether you prefer the Fitness Center or the pool, one of our trainers will work with you to meet your fitness goals.
Lori Johnson
Lori specializes in aquatic personal training and return-to-sport training. She is a Physical Therapy Assistant and is also certified through the Aquatic Exercise Association/Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute. She is available for pool-based personal training,
Cynthia Langston
Cynthia is an ISSA Elite personal trainer and Health Coach, a Women’s Coaching Specialist, and ACE group fitness instructor. She has a background in dance and is BARRE specialty certified. Cynthia focuses on holistic change that includes nutrition, sleep, mindset, and motivation to create complete fitness programs for her clients.
JD Noll
JD is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer with more than 20 years of experience. JD specializes in weight loss and nutritional assistance, strength training, muscle gain, and improved heart health. He is available for land-based personal training.
Julie Scratch
Julie holds both land and water fitness certifications. She is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a Master Trainer for WaterART, a Silver Sneakers® Instructor, and holds a 200-hour RYT through YogaFit. Julie is available for land- or water-based training sessions.