February is Love Fidalgo 2025! 
Love Fidalgo? February is the month to Love Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center and to Love Yourself! Look for information about free fitness sessions throughout the month of February, and sign up for a spot in the pool, fitness center, or group exercise room. Join the February Fitness Challenge and win prizes!
Free Class Schedule
Click here for the schedule of classes available for FREE during the month of February. Please pre-register for classes here: Catalog – Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center or at the front desk. Use the coupon code LoveFidalgo25 to get your discount. The code may be used up to five times between February 1 – 28, 2025.
Want to improve your swim technique or join an organized practice? Try a Masters swim practice for free in February. Practice times are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5 a.m. – 6:15 a.m. and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 5:45 a.m. – 7 a.m.
February Fitness Challenge!
Need a little extra motivation to work out? New Year’s Resolutions fading? Looking to feed your competitive spirit? Want to win some cool prizes?
Join the February Fitness Challenge!
How do I participate?
Just add your name to the chart on the bulletin board. Every time you check in, pick up a star at the front desk to add beside your name.
blue stars for independent activities in the pool including water walking and lap swimming
green stars for instructor led classes both on land in the group exercise room, and in the water
red stars for time spent in the gym
How do I win a prize?
Grand Prizes awarded March 1:
Each prize consists of a 32 oz water bottle filled with treats and a $25 gift certificate from one of: Pelican Bay Books & Coffeehouse, ACE, Cosmic Veggies, or Rachel’s Alibi, all to keep you energized and hydrated
1) Most overall stars awarded for the month
2) Most blue stars (independent pool activity)
3) Most red stars (most gym time)
4) Most green stars (most instructor led classes)
Weekly prizes will be awarded each Friday in February in a draw from active participants. Win some treats and a $10 coffee card from one of: Corner Caffė, Penguin Coffee, Strawberry Bay, or The Store!
Love Fidalgo! Equipment Purchases
During the month of February, you can help FPFC purchase new and replacement pool and fitness equipment. Facility staff have provided us with a list of items they would love to have to make your fitness experience even better. This year equipment is for new class offerings, and to purchase specialized equipment that can be used with special needs children learning to swim.
Look on the bulletin in the lobby for the hearts with equipment listed on them. You can donate the amount listed on the heart at the front desk or donate online by scanning the QR Code or using the PayPal Link https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FXGWAJ83N5KCJPlease include a note with your donation stating which item you would like to purchase.
We also invite you to shop from the Friends of Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center Wish List on Amazon. Find our wish list under Accounts and Lists → Find a List or Registry → Find a Registry → Friends of Fidalgo. Choose the item you would like to donate, purchase it, and then you can have it shipped directly to the pool at 1603 22nd St, Anacortes, WA 98221. Please note that items purchased this way are not eligible for a donation tax receipt from Friends.
Special thanks to the following businesses for their generous gift donations!